Какое масло лучше заливать в АКПП Тойота Харриер
Тойота Харриер – кроссовер среднего класса, предназначенный для японского рынка. Экспортная версия автомобиля известна под названием Лексус RX. Первое поколение Харриер начали продавать в Японии в 1997 году. Автомобиль оснащался бензиновым мотором 2.2 л (140 л. с.), а также трехлитровым V6 с мощностью 220 л. с. Двигатели агрегатировались с АКПП-4 , а привод был передним или полным. В 2003 г. начались продажи Тойота Харриер второго поколения. Машина получила бензиновые двигатели 2.4 (160 л. с.) и 3.0 л (220 л. с.), а также 3.5-литровый V6 с мощностью 280 л. с. С 2013 г. в Японии выпускается Харриер третьего поколения. Машина в «базе» оснащается двигателем 2.0 (150 л. с.), а наиболее дорогая версия имеет гибридную установку с общей мощностью 197 «лошадей».
Регламент замены масла в АКПП
Согласно рекомендациям опытных автомобилистов и специалистов, периодичность замены масла в АКПП Тойота Харриер составляет 60-100 тыс. км. Рассмотрим ниже самые тяжелые условия эксплуатации, при которых масло в АКПП необходимо менять в два раза чаще.
- Резкие перегазовки и торможения, езда на максимальной скорости, активные маневры и перестроения без какой-либо необходимости, перевозка тяжелых грузов
- Регулярная езда в городе, где много светофорных пробок. В таких условиях коробка передач часто переключается и перегревается, что может привести к ускоренному износу защитных свойств масла
- Машина эксплуатируется на бездорожье (снег, песок, камни, гравий), а также под воздействием экстремально высоких или низких температур.
Признаки несвоевременной замены масла в АКПП:
- Пробуксовки в процессе переключения передач
- Падение масляного давления в магистрали, что является признаком повреждения клапана сброса в масляном насосе, либо может не хватать масла в коробке передач. Кроме того, велика вероятность скопления грязи в соленоидах и гидроблоке
- Движение невозможно даже при исправной коробке.
Какое масло надо заливать в АКПП Тойота Харриер
- Оригинальное – Toyota Type T-IV
- Альтернативное – Liqui Moly, Valvoline, Shell
На автомобиле Тойота Харриер (его практически полный аналог с левым рулём Lexus RX 300), нам необходимо заменить масло в автоматической коробке переключения передач АКПП, покажем как это правильно сделать своими руками.
Сразу оговорюсь, что будет происходить частичная замена масла в коробке автомат. Поддон сниматься не будет, фильтр масляной меняться не будет. Фильтр сетчатый, он не забивается, только если при действительно грязном масле, снимаем поддон и очищаем магниты.
Мы сливаем масло, заливаем новое, прогоняем на всех режимах, затем снова его сливаем и льём новое, на котором будем ездить. Поднимаем машину, ставим под коробку ёмкость, куда будет сливаться отработка. Шестигранником на 10 откручиваем сливную пробку.
Масло горячее, легко обжечь руки. У нас вышло примерно 4 литра, закручиваем сливную пробку. Опускаем автомобиль и заливаем такой же объём через отверстие щупа АКПП, используя при этом воронку:
Льём мы оригинальное масло Toyota atf type t-iv 4л 08886-01705. Заводим машину, жмём педаль тормоза и прогоняем машину во всех режимах. Снова сливаем и заливаем масло.
Видео замена масла в АКПП автомате Toyota Harrier (Lexus RX 300):
Резервное видео как заменить масло в автомате Тойота Харриер:
Прочитано раз: 836; За сегодня: 1
сколько и какое нужно заливать
Toyota Harrier – среднеразмерный кроссовер, представленный на японском рынке с 1997 года. Экспортная версия этой модели известна как Lexus RX. В стандартном оснащении Harrier предлагали с мотором 2.2 литра мощностью 140 лошадиных сил, тогда как более мощная модификация имела под капотом 6-цилиндровый агрегат 3.0 литра (220 л. с.). Двигатели агрегатировались с четырехступенчатым «автоматом». Также был доступен передний или полный привод в зависимости от комплектации. В 2000 году появился мотор объемом 2,4 литра (160 л. с.), заменивший устаревший 2,2-литровый агрегат. В 2003 году в Японии начались продажи второго поколения кроссовера, который в других странах по-прежнему был известен под названием lexus RX.
На «домашнем» рынке модель была актуальна до 2013 года. На первом этапе продаж автомобиль оснащался бензиновыми двигателями 2.4 и 3.0 литра (мощность 160 и 220 л. с.), а также 3,5-литровым ДВС мощностью 280 л. с. Последний мотор впоследствии пришел на смену мотору объемом 3.0 литра. Базовые версии имели передний привод, а самые топовые – полный привод. Коробка передач – только автоматическая. В 2005 году освоено мелкосерийное производство гибридной модификации на основе моторм V6 3.0 л, электромотора и вариатора. В 2013 году дебютировал Toyota Harrier третьего поколения. В базовой комплектации модель доступна с бензиновым 2-литровым ДВС мощностью 150 л. с. Двигатель агрегатирован с бесступенчатой КПП. Также есть передний привод. Полный привод предлагается только для топовых комплектаций, включая гибридный вариант с мотором V6 3.3 литра (197 л. с.).
Сколько масла требуется для АКПП Toyota Harrier
Поколение 1 (XU10, 1997-2002)
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 2.2 – 4 л.
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 2.4 – 4 л.
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 3.0 – 4 л.
Поколение 2 (XU30, 2003-2013)
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 2.4 – 4 л.
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 3.0 – 4 л.
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 3.5 – 4 л.
Поколение 3 (XU60, 2013-2017)
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 2.0 – 4 л.
Какое масло лить в АКПП Toyota Harrier
Поколение 1 (XU10, 1997-2002)
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 2.2 – 80w-90 GL4 Gear Oil Comma; Castrol Manual EP GL-4, Elfmatic G3, ZIC 80W90 GL4, ATF Transmax Dex III Multivehicle
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 2.4 – 80w-90 GL4 Gear Oil Comma; Castrol Manual EP GL-4, Elfmatic G3, ZIC 80W90 GL4, ATF Transmax Dex III Multivehicle
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 3.0 – 80w-90 GL4 Gear Oil Comma; Castrol Manual EP GL-4, Elfmatic G3, ZIC 80W90 GL4, ATF Transmax Dex III Multivehicle
Поколение 2 (XU30, 2003-2013)
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 2.4 – 80w-90 GL4 Gear Oil Comma; Castrol Manual EP GL-4, Elfmatic G3, ZIC 80W90 GL4, ATF Transmax Dex III Multivehicle
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 3.0 – 80w-90 GL4 Gear Oil Comma; Castrol Manual EP GL-4, Elfmatic G3, ZIC 80W90 GL4, ATF Transmax Dex III Multivehicle
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 3.5 – 80w-90 GL4 Gear Oil Comma; Castrol Manual EP GL-4, Elfmatic G3, ZIC 80W90 GL4, ATF Transmax Dex III Multivehicle
Поколение 3 (XU60, 2013-2017)
- Масло в АКПП с мотором 2.0 – 80w-90 GL4 Gear Oil Comma; Castrol Manual EP GL-4, Elfmatic G3, ZIC 80W90 GL4, ATF Transmax Dex III Multivehicle
Тойота Харриер – среднеразмерный кроссовер, также известный как Лексус RX. Машина дебютировала в Японии в 1997 году. Автомобиль продавали с бензиновым мотором 2.2 л (140 л. с.), а также более топовым V6 с мощностью 220 л. с. С 2003 по 2013 год компания Тойота выпускала второе поколение Харриер. Кроссовер был доступен с линейкой бензиновых ДВС объемом 2.4-3.0 л, которые развивали 160 и 220 л. с. соответственно. Позже появился 280-сильный V6 объемом 3.5 литра. Машина имела передний или полный привод. С 2013 г. в Японии продается Харриер третьего поколения. Машина представлена с базовым мотором 2.0 (151 л. с.). Более топовая версия имеет гибридную установку с общей мощностью 197 л. с.
Регламент замены масла в АКПП
Согласно рекомендациям опытных автомобилистов и специалистов, периодичность замены масла в АКПП Тойота Харриер составляет 60-100 тыс. км. Рассмотрим ниже самые тяжелые условия эксплуатации, при которых масло в АКПП необходимо менять в два раза чаще.
- Резкие перегазовки и торможения, езда на максимальной скорости, активные маневры и перестроения без какой-либо необходимости, перевозка тяжелых грузов
- Регулярная езда в городе, где много светофорных пробок. В таких условиях коробка передач часто переключается и перегревается, что может привести к ускоренному износу защитных свойств масла
- Машина эксплуатируется на бездорожье (снег, песок, камни, гравий), а также под воздействием экстремально высоких или низких температур.
Признаки несвоевременной замены масла в АКПП:
- Пробуксовки в процессе переключения передач
- Падение масляного давления в магистрали, что является признаком повреждения клапана сброса в масляном насосе, либо может не хватать масла в коробке передач. Кроме того, велика вероятность скопления грязи в соленоидах и гидроблоке
- Движение невозможно даже при исправной коробке.
Рекомендуемое масло
- Оригинальное – Toyota Type T-IV
- Альтернативное – Liqui Moly, Valvoline, Shell
Сколько масла необходимо для АКПП Тойота Харриер
Поколение 1 (1997-2002)
- Масло в АКПП с двигателем 2.2 – 3-4 л
- Масло в АКПП с двигателем 2.4 – 3-4 л
- Масло в АКПП с двигателем 3.0 – 3-4 л
Поколение 2 (2003-2013)
- Масло в АКПП с двигателем 2.4 – 3-4 л
- Масло в АКПП с двигателем 3.0 – 3-4 л
- Масло в АКПП с двигателем 3.5 – 3-4 л
Поколение 3 (с 2013)
- Масло в АКПП с двигателем 2.0 – 3-4 л
90000 How Often Do You Need to Change Your Automatic Transmission Fluid? 90001 90002 The need to change the automatic transmission fluid in your vehicle at intervals is often overlooked, especially in regions like the UK where automatic transmissions are far less prevalent than, say, the US. Most people are aware that their engine oil needs changing on a regular basis. When it comes to the transmission, however, they may leave the fluid unchanged until things start going wrong. 90003 90002 In other words: until it’s too late.90003 90002 In truth, there are many issues an automatic transmission can suffer that no amount of oil changes will prevent. But given the cost of repairing (or worse, replacing) an automatic transmission, it’s not worth risking the issues an oil change can prevent. 90003 90002 Now, before we get into the when, let’s look at the why. 90003 90002 Automatic transmissions are very complicated beasts. A manual transmission is basic by comparison, and most of the things that go wrong with them are down to driver error, or at least exacerbated by the driver.With an automatic gearbox, however, you should not even be able to drive it «incorrectly,» for the most part. Maybe if you tried really hard. 90003 90002 There is far more going on inside an automatic, and that means far more that can go wrong, no matter how you drive. 90003 90002 And your transmission fluid is central to all of it. 90003 90002 The oil in your automatic gearbox is not merely a lubricant to keep those moving parts moving. It is also responsible for powering the internal hydraulics of the transmission, and keeping the whole thing cool.In short, it goes everywhere. 90003 90018 Hydraulics 90019 90002 The magic of an automatic transmission is mostly done via hydraulics. There is much more to hydraulics than I’ll be going to go into here. In short, pressurised fluid moves components within the gearbox. This is achieved by directing said fluid through a number of small channels within the gearbox. During circulation, your fluid may pass through gauze filters, metering valves, and any number of small orifices. Not to mention several larger components such as torque converters and transmission fluid coolers.90003 90002 So why does this affect your automatic transmission fluid change interval? 90003 90018 Debris 90019 90002 The unavoidable fact of a clutch is that it will wear down over time. And automatic transmissions have several clutches. The point of a clutch is to «slip.» But slipping causes some of the material on those clutches to rub away. This debris has nowhere to go but into the fluid itself. There are also other sources of debris with the gearbox, such as bearings and moving components that wear down over time.90003 90002 Debris will get into your transmission fluid. That is an inevitable fact of how moving parts work. 90003 90018 Blockage 90019 90002 You may have already pieced the two significant details together here. Debris-filled fluid being forced through small channels, orifices, and filters is a recipe for disaster. As the debris builds up, it will start to impede the operation of certain parts of the gearbox. This can manifest in sticking valves, causing a harsh or delayed gear change. It can cause completely stuck valves, resulting in the complete loss of one or more gears.90003 90002 The worst outcome from this debris, however, is a significant blockage of the transmission’s main filter. The filter is there to prevent this very debris from recirculating through the transmission, but this also means that all of the fluid passes through it. If all of the fluid used to power the transmission passes through one point, which then becomes blocked … well, you get the idea. 90003 90018 Chain Reaction 90019 90002 A blocked filter can cause a transmission to lose drive all at once on rare occasions.More likely, however, the debris will build up slowly. A partially blocked filter will only partially starve the transmission of fluid, and that is actually worse than completely starving it. 90003 90002 The fact that transmission fluid powers everything means that a transmission getting no fluid can not damage itself. A transmission getting insufficient fluid may have enough power to apply the clutches, partially. If a clutch is not applied properly, it will slip more than it should, causing more debris to get into the fluid.This causes the filter to become clogged more quickly, leading to a loss of drive. 90003 90002 The difference here being that a sudden filter blockage may be repaired with an oil flush and a new filter. A loss of drive that has been coming on gradually will almost certainly require a complete transmission overhaul. 90003 90002 An expensive proposition to say the least. 90003 90002 Hopefully, the previous section has convinced you to adhere to your automatic transmission fluid change interval, but what is the interval? That’s a little trickier.There are many, many, automatic transmissions out there, and they all have different service intervals. 90003 90018 In General 90019 90002 The first thing to bear in mind is that over-doing it with automatic gearbox oil changes is never a bad thing. You will not harm your transmission by changing the oil more often than the manufacturer recommends. The low end for an automatic transmission fluid change interval is around 30,000 miles (a little under 50,000 km). If you can not find the service interval for your particular transmission, you could do a lot worse than to just use this interval as your guide.90003 90002 Other typical service intervals are 60,000 miles (approx 96,000 km), and 100,000 miles (approx 160,000 km). 60,000 miles is not an unreasonable interval. 100,000 miles is pushing it, however. If your transmission’s manufacturer claims their product is good for 100,000 miles between services, I’d take their recommendation with a grain of salt, which brings me to our next point. 90003 90018 «Lifetime» Oil 90019 90002 Some transmissions, particularly in BMWs, claim to be sealed units that carry «lifetime» oil.The claim means that a) you should not be opening the transmission up, and b) it will never need a fluid change. Needless to say, you would be better off ignoring this claim. There is a strong chance that «lifetime» oil claims are technically accurate on the basis that the transmission will fail mechanically before the oil ever needs changing. 90003 90002 The fact that your oil was still fine when your transmission imploded will be little comfort, however. 90003 90018 Change it Anyway 90019 90002 As mentioned above, there really is no downside to changing your automatic transmission fluid more often than is recommended.Well, other than the cost of a transmission service. Mechanically, however, your transmission will thank you. The added bonus to changing your fluid regularly is that you (or your mechanic) can get a better idea of your transmission’s health. For example, if your transmission fluid is black and smells burned, there is likely a problem internally. This is a very simple indicator of the health of your gearbox, but it can only be done if you get a sample of the oil. 90003 90002 It also provides you or your mechanic with the opportunity to catch any fluid leaks from your transmission.Many of these leaks are very small and slow, and are easily missed because they do not leave puddles of transmission fluid on the garage floor. It’s easy to check if the fluid is low on transmissions with a dipstick, of course. Transmissions without a dipstick will require you or your mechanic to be under the vehicle in order to change the oil so that a visual leak check can be performed. 90003 90002 If your transmission has a dipstick (most modern transmissions do not), then it is certainly worth at least checking the level and condition of your transmission fluid at least as regularly as the engine oil.90003 90002 It never hurts to catch a transmission fault early. 90003 .90000 Fuel Consumption, Specs & Price 90001 90002 90003 Before crossover SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicle) such as the 90004 Toyota Harrier 90005 came into production, there was really nothing in between the full-size SUV and the sedan. People liked the flexibility of the SUV, but not necessarily the hugeness and the clunkiness associated with full-size SUVs that were on the market at the time. The Harrier came as a perfect option, which we take a closer look at in this Toyota Harrier review.90006 90007 90008 What is a Toyota Harrier? 90009 90010 90003 Unlike many other vehicles, which are designed from the ground up, the Toyota Harrier made use of a lot of technologies that were already tried and true. At least in the beginning, the i4 and V6 engine and transmission options were the same as found in the Toyota Camry and 90004 RAV4 90005, meaning Toyota engineers could focus on the other facets of Toyota Harrier’s winning design. 90006 90003 90016 90006 90003 View Used Toyota Harrier Models Now 90006 90003 One big thing that sets the Toyota Harrier apart from other luxury crossover SUVs in its class is the attention to NVH, that is, Noise, Vibration, and Harshness.On driving the Toyota Harrier, most come to the conclusion that NVH means «No Vibration or Harshness,» Toyota engineers must have done a pretty good job. The design of the Toyota Harrier makes more use of insulation and vibration dampers than the typical SUV, or even the typical crossover SUV, which makes them some of the quietest vehicles on the road, particularly when 90004 compared to similar sized cars 90005. 90006 90007 How Much is a Toyota Harrier? 90010 90003 Depending on the model year and generation, a used Toyota Harrier on BE FORWARD can cost on average as follows: 90006 90003 — 90004 1st Generation Toyota Harrier 90005: $ 1,700 — $ 4,000 90006 90003 — 90004 2nd Generation Toyota Harrier 90005: $ 2,400 — $ 5,500 90006 90003 — 90004 3rd Generation Toyota Harrier 90005: ~ $ 14,000 90006 90040 90003 90042 Above: Rear of a used 2003 Toyota Harrier 90043 90006 90003 Toyota engineers went on to fine-tune the Toyota Harrier’s engine, transmission, and drivetrain to eliminate vibrations and noises coming from these sources.Interestingly, instead of following other SUV body-on-frame designs, the Toyota Harrier actually has a more car-like body design, which makes for a stable off-road ride, at a more car-like comfort level. 90006 90007 90008 Toyota Harrier Interior 90009 90010 90003 Inside the Toyota Harrier are all the things you’ve come to expect in a luxury automobile, such as comfortable leather seats, power-adjustable seats, power windows, locks, and sunroof. Safety and convenience features abound, including multiple airbags, anti-lock brakes, vehicle skid control, multi-information display, GPS navigation, rear seat entertainment system, rear view camera.90006 90053 90003 90042 Above: Interior of a used 2004 Toyota Harrier 90043 90006 90007 Toyota Harrier Engine Specs 90010 90003 Today’s Toyota Harrier comes with a choice of four- and six-cylinder engines, paired with, depending on model year, a five- or six-speed automatic transmission. The hybrid Harrier comes with a V6 engine paired with a CVT (constant velocity transmission). The drivetrain comes in both front-wheel and all-wheel drive (AWD) configurations. The four-cylinder engine options, of course, do not provide the power of the six-cylinder options, but are also more economical.90006 90062 90003 90042 Above: Engine of a used 2005 Toyota Harrier 90043 90006 90003 Interestingly, the AWD versions of the Toyota Harrier, later renamed Lexus RX, even in Japan, was never touted as an off-road performer. Instead, Toyota marketed the Harrier’s AWD system as a safety feature. Drivers of the Toyota Harrier AWD could expect to lose a little on fuel economy, but the sure-footed AWD system would keep them safe on rough roads and loose road surfaces, such as mud or gravel. 90068 90006 90007 90008 Toyota Harrier Fuel Consumption 90009 90010 90003 For a medium-sized crossover SUV, the fuel economy of the Toyota Harrier is surprisingly efficient and can easily take you the extra mile.Depending on the generation and model year, the Harrier can range anywhere from between 8.8km / L and 11km / L for the 1st generation and 9.1km / L to 11km / L for the later 2nd generation models. 90006 90076 90003 90042 Above: Side of a used 2006 Toyota Harrier 90043 90006 90081 90082 90083 90084 90085 Fuel Economy at a Glance 90086 90003 — 90004 1st Generation Toyota Harrier (1997 — 2003) 90005: between 8.8km / L and 11km / L 90006 90003 — 90004 2nd Generation Toyota Harrier (2003 — 2013) 90005: between 9.1km / L to 11km / L 90006 90095 90096 90097 90098 90007 Toyota Harrier Maintenance 90010 90003 Be sure to check for a complete maintenance history and low mileage before you buy a used Toyota Harrier, if possible. When considering AWD versions, be sure the AWD system has been maintained, including centre and rear differentials. Oil changes in the 3.0ℓ V6 and some of the later 3.3ℓ were especially critical. Burning oil is a sure sign of abuse, and an oil burner should be avoided at all costs.Still, even if you have to replace an abused engine, the rest of the powertrain and drivetrain is top-notch, so a new engine is a good investment. 90006 90003 View Used Toyota Harrier Models Now 90006 .90000 How to check and change automatic transmission fluid 90001 90002 Automatic transmission needs little maintenance other than regular checking of the transmission fluid level. 90003 90004 Check the sump pan to make sure that it is not heavily coated with mud or road dirt. Clean carefully. If there is a cooling grille, clean this also. 90002 Most faults arise because the level has dropped through evaporation or leakage (See Checking the gearbox oil level, draining and refilling ), Or because the engine tickover speed was incorrect when you checked the level.90003 90002 Check in the car handbook which particular fluid should be used for your car. Topping up with the wrong fluid can damage the transmission. (In some smaller automatic gearboxes, such as those used in BL cars, the transmission fluid is the same oil as that which lubricates the engine, and is drawn from a common sump .) 90003 90002 Keep the fluid level up to the full mark on the dipstick . Do not overfill this can lead to overheating. 90003 90002 The sump and the ventilating grilles on the torque-converter housing can easily become blocked or mud covered, and this leads to overheating.Check and clean them at each service. 90003 90002 90014 Checking the fluid level 90015 90003 90017 Let the engine run for two minutes with the selector at park ‘P’. 90002 The transmission fluid level is best checked when the engine is at normal running temperature. After a 5 mile run, park on level ground and apply the handbrake . 90003 90002 With the engine idling, move the gear selector lever at least three times through all positions.Set it in the ‘P’ (park) position and let the engine idle for two minutes. 90003 90022 Clean around the dipstick area to avoid dirt getting into the transmission. 90002 Before removing the dipstick, wipe round it with a clean cloth to stop dirt entering the gearbox. 90003 90002 With the engine idling, remove the dipstick and wipe it with a clean, non-fluffy cloth. Replace it gently, so as not to force fluid back up the dipstick tube and so give a false reading.Withdraw it immediately and check the level. 90003 90002 Check the fluid on the dipstick for specks of dirt or metal — both indicate wear. If there are any, get expert advice as soon as possible, before the repair becomes very expensive. 90003 90002 On older cars particularly, check the fluid colour against the colour of new fluid. If a red fluid has darkened or turned black, it indicates overheating and the fluid should be changed. 90003 90002 90014 Topping up, draining and refilling automatic transmission fluid 90015 90003 90002 Top up the fluid levels through the dipstick tube, using a small funnel.Add a little at a time and check the level frequently to avoid overfilling. 90003 90037 Use a clean funnel and fill slowly. Check the level to avoid overfilling. 90002 The difference between the low and full marks on most transmission dipsticks is about 1/2 litre (about 1 pint). So if the reading is midway between them, about litre pint) is needed. 90003 90002 If you top up the fluid level while the engine is cold, fill to 1/2 in. (13 mm) below the dipstick full mark.Otherwise it will be too high at normal running temperature and will cause overheating. 90003 90002 Check the level again at normal running temperature. 90003 90002 Some car handbooks recommend draining and refilling automatic gearboxes at certain fixed mileages. 90003 90002 However, most automatics fitted to recent and current cars do not need regular draining, and do not have a drain plug. 90003 90002 Draining them is a quite difficult and messy job, necessitating removal of the dipstick tube and gearbox sump pan , A task calling for scrupulously clean working conditions and garage facilities.Follow the maker’s advice in the car handbook or a service manual. 90003 90002 The smaller automatic gearboxes do have drain plugs, and the fluid must be changed at the intervals recommended in the car handbook. 90003 90002 Those fitted to BL cars, which use the same oil as the engine, receive fresh oil when the engine oil is changed. Others, such as those fitted to some VWs and Renaults, have their own separate fluid supply. 90003 90002 The transmission should be drained while the fluid is at normal running temperature.Take care: it will be hot enough to cause serious burns. 90003 90002 In most cases, draining must be done with the car raised and supported securely on axle stands or ramps and with the handbrake on. 90003 90058 An automatic transmission that requires regular draining and refilling should be drained with the unit at running temperature. Remove the drain plug carefully, keeping hands and arms clear of the hot fluid, which can burn. 90002 Place the drain tray under the sump, and undo the plug, keeping your hands and arms clear of the hot oil when it gushes out.90003 90002 When all the oil has been drained, replace the drain plug and refill with fresh fluid or oil of the type recommended by the car handbook or service manual. 90003 90002 Refill with the quantity recommended, and drive the car until the new fluid is at normal operating temperature, then check the level again and top up if necessary. 90003 90002 Do not pour the old fluid down a drain — it pollutes the water supply. Ask your local council for the location of the nearest oil disposal dump and take it there.90003 90002 90068 How to avoid overheating 90069 90003 90004 Check the sump pan to make sure that it is not heavily coated with mud or road dirt. Clean carefully. If there is a cooling grille, clean this also. 90072 The old Renault automatic transmission has a separate fluid supply. 90073 Automatics on some old cars share the lubricant supply with the engine and have a common sump.90002 90014 How to tow an automatic car 90015 90003 90002 Cars fitted with modern automatic gearboxes must not be towed for a distance of more than about 15 miles. The towing speed must also be kept under 30 mph (50 kph). 90003 90002 The reason for these restrictions is that the internal fluid pump of the gearbox, being driven by the engine, does not work when the engine is not running. 90003 90002 When the car is being towed, therefore, the box is not lubricated or cooled.90003 90002 If the car has to be towed a greater distance than 15 miles — in the event of a breakdown, for example — raise the driven wheels or disconnect the propeller shaft or drive shafts (See How to check U-Joints ). 90003 .90000 Toyota Camry ATF (Transmission Fluid) Flush / Exchange or Replacement (With Video) 90001 90002 When to Replace Your Automatic Transmission Fluid 90003 90004 The Toyota Maintenance Guide for the four-cylinder Camry 5SFE engine says to inspect the automatic transmission fluid (ATF) every 30,000 miles. It does not say when or whether to replace the fluid, but in general, mechanics recommend a simple «drain-and-fill» every 30,000 miles. 90005 90004 With most automatic transmissions, ATF operating at or below 175 degrees F should last close to 100,000 miles.But for every 20-degree increase in temperature, ATF fluid life is cut in half. Cars can reach temperatures of 210 degrees or more during towing or stop-and-go summer driving. Fully synthetic ATF can withstand approximately 225 degrees before thermal breakdown. 90005 90004 When ATF breaks down, it «cooks,» or oxidizes, losing its detergent and lubricating properties. It turns from bright red to brown or black, and has a burnt smell. Oxidized ATF can cause buildup of varnish and sludge. 90005 90002 Draining and Replacing the ATF 90003 90004 An ATF drain-and-fill is similar to a motor oil change, except there is no paper filter element to replace, and not all the fluid is drained.There is an internal metal mesh filter within the transmission drain cover, but it does not have as fine a mesh as an oil filter, and rarely requires replacement. The drain plug is a 10-mm indented hex bolt requiring a hex socket. You add the new transmission fluid by removing the fluid level dipstick, and inserting a narrow-mouthed funnel into the dipstick tube. 90005 90004 Approximately 2.6 quarts of fluid can be drained from the transmission oil pan, and replaced via the dipstick. Considerable fluid will remain in the transmission’s torque converter, the transmission oil lines, and the radiator.If the fluid is dark red and has not turned brown, it’s okay to mix old and new fluid without flushing. But if the fluid is brown or black, a complete flush of the system would be in order. This would require about four additional quarts of oil. 90005 90002 How Flushing the ATF Works 90003 90004 The purpose of a «flush» is to pump out as much as possible of the old oxidized ATF fluid out of the transmission and fluid lines. The engine’s hydraulic pressure pumps new ATF through the system to push out an additional 4 quarts of trapped ATF.90005 90004 Before doing a flush, perform a drain-and-fill and drive the car for a few days. The new fluid’s detergent additives will dissolve harmful deposits from transmission components. Once these deposits are broken down and suspended in the fluid, a flush will remove them. 90005 90004 Even after doing a complete flush of an old, high-mileage Camry, you can expect the ATF to turn dark again within six months. At that time you can do a simple drain-and-fill or repeat the flush. The fluid should now stay red much longer.90005 90002 Which Kind of ATF to Use 90003 90004 Synthetic ATF, such as Mobil or the new General Motors Dexron VI Synthetic Blend ATF, will extend the drain-and-fill interval beyond 30,000 miles and may extend the life of your transmission. 1990 to 2001 Camrys require Dexron III. The Dexron VI is backward compatible to Dexron III and will not harm your transmission. 90005 90004 Even though auto manufacturers want you to buy their own ATF, I have used other brands successfully in Toyotas, Volvos, and VWs.I have had the best success using a Universal Synthetic ATF made by Amalie Oil Corporation, which supplies WalMart under the SuperTech Brand. Also, Valvoline Full Synthetic ATF, compatible with Toyota Type IV ATF and Honda ZF, was selling at Walmart in Oct. 2013 for $ 16.40 a gallon, or a little over $ 4 a quart, whereas most auto retailers sell synthetic ATF for $ 8 — $ 10 a quart. A colleague who used to work for Valvoline told me they maintain a very high-quality control standard. 90005 90004 The below video provides a step-by-step procedure for performing a ATF flush on a 4-cylinder Toyota Camry: 90005 90004 The video below will show you how I performed a transmission fluid flush (or fluid exchange) assisted with a 12-volt portable electric oil pump powered by the car’s battery on a Lexus ES300 (equivalent to the Toyota Camry V6).In my previous transmission fluid flush videos, I would pour the new ATF in the transmission via the transmission dipstick tube. Car manufacturers have decided to eliminate the dipstick with all their new model vehicles, so I had to find another way to get ATF fluid into these transmissions accurately and efficiently. So what I did on the ES300 can be performed on any vehicle that has a transmission fluid service port. On Toyota and Lexus vehicles, it’s a 24-mm service bolt accessible through the driver’s side fender splash guard.90005 90004 I bought the 12-volt portable pump on Amazon. 90005 90004 I bought the hard plastic tubing from Home Depot. 90005 90004 I got the waste container from a dumpster behind a restaurant. The container used to hold vegetable oil. 90005 90002 1. Lift Front End to Access Drain Plug 90003 90004 Lift and support the front end safely so you can locate the drain plug for the ATF. 90005 90004 While you are under the car, you can look at a couple of other things: 90005 90046 90047 Check for any fluid leaks where the CV axle meets the transmission.Signs of oil from this area may indicate a worn transmission axle shaft seal. If so, the axle will have to be pulled from the transmission, the seal pried out from the transmission, a new seal pressed in, and the axle shaft reinstalled. 90048 90047 A leak from the valve cover plug (on the right side of the engine) is likely a leak of engine oil, not a transmission leak. 90048 90047 Check the fluid level of the torque converter-although I’ve never encountered one that leaked. 90048 90053 90002 2.Remove Drain Plug and Drain Out ATF; Replace Plug 90003 90004 Locate your 10 mm hex socket to remove the transmission drain plug. 90005 90004 Remove the drain plug and drain out the ATF into a ready container. Screw the drain plug back in when draining is complete. 90005 90002 Just Doing a Drain-and-Fill? 90003 90004 If you are just doing a drain-and-fill, and not a flush, skip to step 8 below, position your funnel as shown there, and add 2.6 quarts of new ATF. Replace the dipstick. You are done.Check your transmission fluid level again after your engine has run for a few minutes and has reached normal operating temperature. 90005 90002 3. To Flush the ATF: Remove the Hose Clamp on the ATF Return Line 90003 90004 If you are doing a flush, using an additional four quarts of ATF, you will want to drain the ATF from the torque converter. To do that, remove the hose clamp on the line that returns the ATF to the transmission from the radiator. Needle-nosed pliers make this easier. 90005 90002 4.Remove Return Hose 90003 90004 If you have hose pliers, you can use them to hold the hose. Twist the hose and push down. 90005 90002 5. Position Return Line Through Splash Pan 90003 90004 Run the ATF return line through the splash pan hole. 90005 90002 6. Feed Return Line Into Empty Container 90003 90004 Put the end of the return line hose into an empty 5-quart container, to receive ATF that will be pumped out of the torque converter. 90005 90002 7. Place Funnel in Dipstick Tube 90003 90004 Put an appropriate size funnel into the dipstick tube, and add 3.6 quarts of new ATF (for a flush; just 2.6 quarts for a drain-and-fill). 90005 90002 8. Pump Out Two Quarts of Old ATF 90003 90004 Start the car and observe the ATF being pumped into the container at the end of the disconnected return line. Stop the engine when the 2-quart mark has been reached. 90005 90002 9. Add Another Two Quarts of New ATF 90003 90004 Add another two quarts of ATF through the transmission dipstick tube. 90005 90002 10. Pump Out Another Two Quarts 90003 90004 Start the car again and observe the ATF oil being pumped into the container.Stop the engine when the container is at the 4-quart mark. 90005 90002 11. Add One More Quart 90003 90004 Add one last quart of ATF, to leave 2.6 quarts total in your transmission oil pan. Replace dipstick. 90005 90002 12. Replace Return Line 90003 90004 Reconnect the ATF return line to your transmission and secure the hose clamp. 90005 90002 13. Check Fluid Level 90003 90004 Start your car and let it reach its normal operating temperature. While the engine is running, check the ATF fluid level with the dipstick.Add more oil if not at the high mark. 90005 .